Wednesday, January 7, 2009

SOS, any one could help me to answer my history homework? medieval world

SOS, any one could help me to answer my history homework? medieval world?
I am not very good at study, those questions below are determine whether i could pass this class. I'll be appreciate if you can help me answer them. 1. The withdrawal of Roman armies from Britain enabled a. Celtic Britons to overrun the island. b. Angles and Saxons, Germanic tribes from Denmark and Germany, to invade and to establish new kingdoms on the isle. c. The rise of medieval Scottish culture. d. Local Roman elites to rebuild English Latin culture. 2. The Germans believed that the ordeal could a. reveal the truth by showing who God favored in a dispute. b. Purify the spirit and bring one closer to God. c. Cause eternal damnation because it was heresy. d. Justify the acts of physically strong men. 3. During the seventh century, the Byzantines fought all of the following except a. Arabs b. Bulgars c. Visigoths d. Persians 4. One of the greatest nuns of the seventh monastery, and founder of the Whitby monastery was a. St. Catherine b. St. Joan c. St. Hilda d. St. Jesmine 5. The title "Vicar of Christ" has traditionally been given to a. the Pope as bishop of Rome. b. Donatus. c. Arius, the great priest of Alexandria. d. Ambrose, bishop of Milan. 6. Which of the following would not be a similarity between Christianity and Islam? a. Each of the faiths had a holy book. b. Both Muhammad and Jesus considered themselves to be divine. c. Both religions were monotheistic. d. Both religions had as part of their scriptures divine revelation. 7. Irish monasticism from the sixth through eighth centuries tended to be highly a. ascetic. b. Isolationist. c. Scornful of pagan practices. d. Scornful of classical education. 8. Neoplatonism was a. a Christian movement to reject all Greek philosophy. b. A new heresy condemned by the church. c. An effort to establish Latin language schools attached to Christian churches. d. A Christian revival of Platonic ideas using Greek language and thought to enrich Christian philosophy. 9. Muhammad's flight from Mecca to Medina in 622 is known as the a. Ka'ba. b. Razzia c. Jihad d. Hegira 10. which of the following was not a great building in the city of Constantinople? a. Hagia Sophia b. Circus Maximus c. Hippodrome d. Royal palace 11. Justinian's most important contribution to Western Civilization was his a. codification of law. b. Reconquest of western Europe. c. Preventing the migration of eastern peoples to the west. d. Spreading the use of Latin. 12. The greatest difference between Irish Christianity and Roman Christianity was a. in Irish church organizations, giving Irish abbots more power than bishops. b. In differing interpretations of the Nicene Creed. c. In disputes over the powers of deacons. d. In conflicting views on the power of the Papal Curia. 13. The Latin Father of the Church, Jerome, is known for all of the following except a. his mastery of Latin prose. b. His skills as a linguist. c. His translations of the Old and New Testaments from Hebrew and Greek into Latin. d. His final return to pagan heresy and rejection of key Christian doctrines. 14. The primary instrument of Pope Gregory for converting the Germanic peoples of Europe was a. the imperial army b. monasticism c. bribery d. his oratory 15. Frankish marriage customs a. prohibited sexual union until a year after marriage. b. Placed women on an equal footing with their husbands. c. Did not allow divorce. d. Placed strong sanctions (sometimes death) on adulterous women. 16. The Corpus Iuris Civilis (Body of Civil Law) compiled under Justinian a. was not immediately adopted by the Byzantine Empire. b. Was the last Byzantine contribution to the west to be written in Latin. c. Marked a turning away from Roman law. d. Served to undermine economic prosperity in the empire. 17. Pope Gregory's conversation efforts in England a. advocated the use of force against heretics. b. Relied more on learned persuasion than on brute force. c. Caused new Christian British kings to murder their own subjects. d. Resulted in the destruction of virtually all old English pagan temples. 18. The Donatism heresy involved a. church taxes refused by the laity. b. Church services performed by the laity. c. The efficacy of the Sacraments. d. Proper punishments for killing priests. 19. During the period of the Roman Empire, the Arabian peninsula was dominated by the a. Ostrogoths b. Vandals c. Bedouins d. Huns 20. Procopius a. was the court historian of Justinian. b. Often exaggerated in his historical works. c. Wrote a history of Justinian's conquests call the Wars. d. All of the above. e. A and c. 21. In 410 A.D., Rome was sacked by the a. Burgundians. b. Visigoths. c. Huns. d. Persians. 22. The Frankish palace official, Charles Martel, successfully defended the civilization of the new western
History - 2 Answers
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1 :
Some I can help with 1. The withdrawal of Roman armies from Britain enabled b. Angles and Saxons, Germanic tribes from Denmark and Germany, to invade and to establish new kingdoms on the isle. . 2. The Germans believed that the ordeal could a. reveal the truth by showing who God favored in a dispute. 3. During the seventh century, the Byzantines fought all of the following except c. Visigoths (long gone by then) 5. The title "Vicar of Christ" has traditionally been given to a. the Pope as bishop of Rome. 9. Muhammad's flight from Mecca to Medina in 622 is known as the d. Hegira 10. which of the following was not a great building in the city of Constantinople? b. Circus Maximus (its in Rome) 11. Justinian's most important contribution to Western Civilization was his a. codification of law. 12. The greatest difference between Irish Christianity and Roman Christianity was a. in Irish church organizations, giving Irish abbots more power than bishops. . 19. During the period of the Roman Empire, the Arabian peninsula was dominated by the c. Bedouins 21. In 410 A.D., Rome was sacked by the b. Visigoths. 22. The Frankish palace official, Charles Martel, successfully defended the civilization of the new western Battle of Tours, defeat of the muslim invasion
2 :
4. One of the greatest nuns of the seventh monastery, and founder of the Whitby monastery was c. St. Hilda 6. Which of the following would not be a similarity between Christianity and Islam? b. Both Muhammad and Jesus considered themselves to be divine. 7. Irish monasticism from the sixth through eighth centuries tended to be highly b. Isolationist. 8. Neoplatonism was d. A Christian revival of Platonic ideas using Greek language and thought to enrich Christian philosophy. 13. The Latin Father of the Church, Jerome, is known for all of the following except d. His final return to pagan heresy and rejection of key Christian doctrines. 14. The primary instrument of Pope Gregory for converting the Germanic peoples of Europe was c. bribery 15. Frankish marriage customs d. Placed strong sanctions (sometimes death) on adulterous women. 16. The Corpus Iuris Civilis (Body of Civil Law) compiled under Justinian b. Was the last Byzantine contribution to the west to be written in Latin. 17. Pope Gregory's conversation efforts in England d. Resulted in the destruction of virtually all old English pagan temples. 18. The Donatism heresy involved c. The efficacy of the Sacraments. 20. Procopius c. Wrote a history of Justinian's conquests call the Wars.

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